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Inspire Star Kids

Our special education providers facilitate a range of services for children from birth to 12 years, ranging from early learning programs to literacy classes.


Inspire’s Preschool Educators offers a range of services for families and preschools:

Designed and implemented by:

  • Clinicians

  • Early Educators

  • Students



  • $3879.64 per 12-week term


Staff/Child Ratio

  • Minimum 2:6

Inclusive of:

  • 2 and ¾ -hour weekly transdisciplinary program

  • 15-minute discussion with parents each week

  • Administration fees

    • Pack up and down

    • Resources development

    • File notes

  • Pre/post testing required in that period

  • Consultation with head of transdisciplinary team if required

  • Subscription to weekly training modules for parents

  • Resources for participants to use at home

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  • Multidisciplinary (Speech and Language Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Art Therapy, Music Therapy and Education)


Focuses on:

  • Speech development

  • Receptive and expressive language

  • Fine motor skills

  • Gross motor skills

  • Sensory integration

  • Social emotional development

  • Behavioural regulation and modification

  • Routines and transitions

  • Cognition

  • Literacy

  • Numeracy

  • Music/dance

  • Creative arts

  • Play

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